About Norskanimasjon.no

Norskanimasjon.no is a Norwegian website started and run by Foreningen For Animert Film (The Norwegian Animation Association). The site mainly features information about Norwegian animation and the main target group is domestic.

However, there are some information and articles that has a broader audience. Articles and information in English can be found on this page, and will be updated continuously.

The site also features a database of Norwegian animated films and animators. Hopefully you will be able to manoeuvre your way around although most categories are in Norwegian.

Stay tooned and enjoy!

Articles in English:
- In November 2005, Fredrikstad Animation Festival, invited colleagues from the Nordic and Baltic animation festivals to discuss the future of animation festivals in our region. The following is a Report from Festivals of the North.

- Norwegian/Russian animator and director Pjotr Sapegin takes on the Giants of the American Children's Entertainment Industry in the article How Can We Fight The Giants of ACEI?

18. april 2005

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  Foreningen for animert film: info@norskanimasjon.no. Støttet av Norsk filminstitutt og Fond for lyd og bilde. Webutvikling av Tvistein.